Monday, February 28, 2011

In the beginning....

Well hello there. I have no clue as to your reasons for reading this, but I will tell you my reasons for creating it. If that is not what you want to hear, I really do not care.You have no say in the matter.
I have been considering starting a blog for a long time. I felt like I needed a space to share my most random, maniacal, and interesting thoughts. I plan for most of my posts to be short and sweet. Well, short anyway. So sit back, relax, and enjoy.

WHY IS THERE NEVER ANY MILK?! No matter how much I buy, it always seems like there is none left. Or I find myself in the most frustrating of situations where there is still milk in the bottom of the jug, just not enough to do anything with. You cannot make cereal because only the bottom third would be soggy. There is not enough to bother pouring into a glass. No recipe known to man calls for "that small amount of milk your roommate left at the bottom of YOUR jug and decided that it was best to let you discover for yourself." There are always plenty of eggs. We all own more butter than we can stand to look at without feeling queasy. I doubt there is anyone who does not have two or three opened packs of shreaded cheese tucked in those inconvenient drawers. But I can almost guarantee that, for almost everyone, there is little to no milk.

You cannot always be right. Left is just as good.